Script Patch Copyright 1999, Network Associates Inc. Script: This patch is intended for the following systems: w300 Enterprise This patch addresses the following issues: -copying large files to a managed firewall when using the Package feature on the Enterprise GUI. APPLYING THE PATCH: To apply the patch, place the .shar file into the /tmp directory. Next, change into the /tmp directory and type: sh ./[PATCH NAME] (where [PATCH NAME] is the name of the .shar file) This will unshar the patch, and create a series of directories beneath /tmp. Change into the directory named "http-gw.dir" and type: sh ./apply This will install the patched files to the appropriate locations on your system. For the patch to take effect, it will be necessary to reboot the machine. NOTE: Since the /tmp directory is for temporary files, it is advisable to keep a copy of the patch file in another location on the filesystem. Otherwise, the patch file might be deleted once the system is rebooted.